You’re probably thinking about asking a friend or family member to officiate.

Or maybe you’re searching for the right professional officiant to oversee your ceremony.

Nico Raineau - Holding his Officiant Journal

Let me tell you why I’m the best of both worlds…

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… your friends and family want to enjoy your wedding, not to be tasked with making it enjoyable. That’s a lot of pressure! And do you want to know what experienced Wedding Planners tell me is the most stressful aspect of their job? Dealing with the “Friend Officiant” who always needs a lot of help. It’s not their fault, they don’t know what they’re doing. They aren’t a professional… but I am!

You don't have to settle!

As a pro officiant, I’m here to help you. A creative and knowledgeable officiant can craft a ceremony that feels more true to who you are than even your closest confidant can. That's my job. Literally!

Think of your marriage ceremony as your very own RomCom. Every lead character has that best friend who is always by their side talking them out of bad decisions and guiding them toward their happy ending. That's me, I'm that guy!

Ask me to be your officiant and see how quickly I become the friend you would have asked to do it anyway.

You’ll have your guests exclaiming:

My Values as your RomCom BFF...

Our Relationship

I take the time to get to know you. There are plenty of $500 officiants out there who will send you a questionnaire and plug your name and personal details into a preexisting script, and probably won’t talk to you again after the ceremony. That is not me. Throughout three fun sessions, I get to know you both individually and as a couple. Your ceremony is going to be chock full of inside jokes, personal anecdotes, and your unique personalities. Often times, guests will ask me how long we’ve been friends, impressed by how I was able to capture so many of your amusing little peccadillos. It’s because I truly care about you, your ceremony, and the connection we have. By the time your wedding day arrives, we’re going to greet each other with big, warm hugs. Seriously, I’ve become good friends with so many of my couples, it’s just that our friendships began with me being the last person invited to your wedding! My goal in your movie is to win the award for Best Supporting Actor.

Nico Raineau hugging a happy bride

Your Experience

I just want you to have fun. As a filmmaker, I make magic for a living, and I want to give that magic to you so that you can feel what it’s like to be the star of your own RomCom, even if just for one day. And I want it all to be as easy for you as watching a movie. I’ll take care of everything. I’ll write you a one-of-a-kind wedding ceremony and help with all the pesky marriage paperwork. It’ll be like watching your favorite film without having to read the credits! (I always read the credits. Just like I always read the fine print before signing your marriage license. Never trust someone to marry you who doesn’t read the credits!)

Shared Memories

I’m going to be the guy standing next to you as you marry the love of your life, leading an intimate ceremony in front of everyone you know— that’s a responsibility that I take seriously. I’m not just thinking about your experience, I’m also concerned with the experience of your guests. My goal is for your friends and family to laugh, cry, and to really feel the love you share for one another. I want them to remember your wedding for how special it was. Let’s glide everyone off to the reception glowing and giddy like we just Julia Roberts-ed their hearts. (Yes, I turned Julia Roberts into a verb.) Let’s give them a ceremony that’s two thumbs up!

Movie Scene from Long Shot

“Here’s the deal. I love you. I know I do. Because I've never been so scared in my entire life. And I once shared an elevator with Saddam Hussein. Just me and Saddam. And this is way scarier. I love you.”

- The Long Shot